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Past and present students:​


  1. CHUA Boon Hwee, Soft Hadron Interactions, MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1984

  2. Kuldip SINGH, ‘t Hooft-Polyakov Model of a Magnetic Monopole, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1985 
    [See 5. below.]

  3. SAM Choon Han, The Use of 1/N Expansion in Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1986

  4. SOO Chopin, Global Gauge Transformations and Conserved Gauge-invariant Charges in Yang-Mills Theories, MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1987
    [currently Professor, Department of Physics, National Chengkung University, Tainan, Taiwan]

  5. Kuldip SINGH, Bundle Metrics in Kaluza-Klein Theories and the Consistency Problem, MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1988
    [currently Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Administrative Director, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore]

  6. LIM Hong Peng, Quantum Diffusion in the Periodically-kicked Oscillator, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1989
    [currently in Singapore education service]

  7. NGA, Yiang Aun, Determination of Excited State Energy Surfaces from Electronic Absorption Spectra, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1990
    [currently with Chartered Semiconductor, Singapore]

  8. TAN Chin Piaw, Vincent, The 1/N Expansion Method for the Polynomial Potential V(r)= –1/r + 2\mu r + 2\lambda^2r^2 in Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1991

  9. ANG Chew Hoe, Self-organized Criticality – An Endeavor to Understand Complex Systems, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1992

  10. KOH Chong Mong, Self-organized Criticality in a Non-local Sandpile, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1993

  11. TING Hian Ann, Christopher, Topological Study of Field Theories – Braid Group and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 1994
    [Research Engineer, DSO National Labs, 1989-1996; Laboratory Head, Computer Systems and Applied Physics, DSO National Labs, 1996-2000; currently Associate Professor of Finance, Singapore Management University, Singapore]

  12. TOH Che Chou, Control of Chaos, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Computational Science, 1995

  13. CHEONG Siew Ann, Quantum Billiard Devices, Undergraduate Science Research Program Report, 1996
    [See 18. below]

  14. CHEONG Siew Ann, Quantum Signatures of Chaos, BSc (Hons) thesis, Department of Physics, 1997
    [See 18. below]

  15. LIN Ting-ting, Fractal Fluctuations of Magneto-conductance in Ballistic Quantum Billiard – A Boundary Element Method Approach, MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1997
    [currently Senior Specialist, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore]

  16. YEOH Hong Nam, Boundary Integral Methods Applied to Quantum Billiard Systems, MSc thesis, Department of Computational Science, 1997
    [currently investment banker]

  17. TAN Kiat Shi, Symbolic Computation and Object-Oriented Programming, MSc thesis, Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, 1998
    [currently Senior Technical Manager, ILOG, Singapore]

  18. CHEONG Siew Ann, Chaotic Signatures in Quantum Systems, MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1998
    [completed PhD in Physics at Cornell University, 2006; currently Assistant Professor, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore]

  19. HOU Zujun, Control and Synchronization of Chaotic Dynamical Systems from Time Series,  MSc thesis, Department of Physics, 1999
    [See 23. below]

  20. CHENG Li, Optimizing the Job-shop Scheduling Problem by the Learning Algorithm, MSc thesis, Department of Computational Science, 2000

  21. Roland BOUFFANAIS, Solution of nonlinear PDEs using discrete singular convolution kernels, unfinished thesis project, 2002
    [completed PhD at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 2007; currently Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore]

  22. GONG Xiaofeng, Nonlinear Analysis of Chaotic Time Series, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2003

  23. HOU Zujun, Aspects of Noise Reduction and Edge Detection, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2003
    [currently Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Inforcom Research, Singapore]

  24. CHEW Lock Yue, Theory of Equilibrium Transport based on a Class of Chaotic Fluctuations, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2005
    [currently Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore]

  25. WANG Zisheng, Quantum Geometric Phase, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2007
    [currently Professor, School of Physics and Communications Electronics, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China]

  26. KEIL, Andreas, Proof of the Orthogonal Measurement Conjecture for Two States of a Qubit, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2009

  27. ZOU Hailin, Unstable attractors and irregular transients in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators, PhD thesis, Department of Physics, 2011
    [currently Associate Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China]

  28. You Jianbin, PhD candidate in the Centre for Quantum Technologies
    [co-supervision with C H Oh and V Vedral, currently research fellow at University of Hong Kong]

  29. Hu Peiguang, Dynamics of Traffic Flows on Interdependent Networks, Engineering Science Programme thesis, 2013
    [Currently graduate student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA]

  30. Andrew Schauf, PhD student, NUS Graduate School of Integrative Sciences and Engineering, from 2014

  31. Ma Sijuan, PhD student, Department of Physics, from 2016

  32. Zhang Lin, PhD student, Department of Physics, from 2016

  33. Zhang Qingling, PhD student, Department of Physics, from 2016


Past and present postdocs:


  1. Cangtao ZHOU, July 1995 – June 1997
    [currently Professor, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, China]

  2. Changsong ZHOU, July 1997 – June 1999
    [currently Associate Professor of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University]

  3. Jiao WANG, July 1999 – July 2009

    [currently “Min-Jiang” Distinguished Professor of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China]

  4. Meng ZHAN, August 2001 – September 2004

    [currently Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.] [中国科学院“百人”计划入选者]

  5. Xingang WANG, October 2002 – September 2008

    [currently Professor of Physics, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China]

  6. Xiaofeng GONG, January 2003 – August 2013

  7. Shuguang GUAN, June 2003 – October 2009

    [currently Professor of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China]

  8. Kun LI, October 2003 – August 2013

  9. Bin QIAO, May 2007 – May 2008

    [currently Professor of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China]

  10. Menghui LI, August 2008 – August 2013

    [currently Research Scientist, Beijing Institute of Science and Technology Intelligence, Beijing, China]

  11. Weiqing LIU, August 2008 – July 2009

    [currently with School of Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China]]

  12. Ming ZHAO, April 2010 – March 2012

    [Currently Professor of Physics, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China]

  13. Jie ZHOU, April 2010 – June 2012

    [Currently faculty member in the Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Beijing, China]

  14. Gang YAN, July 2010 – June 2013

    [Currently Research Fellow, Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA]

  15. Chung Ning Ning, January 2011 – February 2016

    [Currently Research Fellow, Complexity Institute and School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore]

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